1/2 kilo of chicken adobo cut, diced - Robinsons Supermarket chicken adobo cut costs Php 138 a kilo. Try buying Php70 worth and select the big cuts
1 clove garlic - costs Php 1.00
5 pcs laurel leaves - costs Php 1.00
1 cup soy sauce Php 10.00
1/4 cup vinegar Php 10.00
2 tbsps oil
1 tbsps black pepper Php 1.00
2 pcs potatoes, diced - Php 5.00
1/4 cup water
Total: Php 98
Good for 3-4 people
There are a lot of variations for this dish but the procedure below is what I recommend.
1. Soak the chicken adobo in the 1 cup soy sauce and vinegar at least an hour before cooking, to make the dish bursting with flavor.
2. Saute garlic in oil.
3. Remove the chicken from the marinade and saute after the garlic has been cooked to a slight brown color.
4. Add water after the chicken has released its oil.
5. Add in the potatoes, laurel leaves and black pepper
6. Simmer until the potatoes and the chicken are cooked.
7. Add in the soy sauce-vinegar marinade and bring to a boil until all the flavors have blended together
8. Serve with hot rice
The excess sauce can be used for sinangag or flavored rice. Yum!